Effective Cellulite Diet

Does cellulite diet? Is it possible to fight cellulite, if we keep to a diet? No, but with exercise, cosmetics and procedures, nutrition is the basis for the fight against cellulite.

Cellulitis is a fibrous change of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The cause of the disease are violations of metabolic processes than usual obesity, an unpleasant feature characterizes cellulite - it does not disappear even if you lose weight and you exercise regularly.

Cause of cellulite can be excess female hormones or water retention in the tissues, which results in disruption of water-salt balance and contraction of blood vessels.

Everyday massage shower and contrast are very good remedy against cellulite. Instead of cold pouring can use ice cubes, then a massage with anti-cellulite cream or gel with extracts of horse chestnut, arnica or kelp, which help to dump the liquid and slag from the body.

Anti-cellulite diet:

Weak capillaries will become more healthy and elastic with vitamin C and vitamin P. They are found in citrus fruits, bilberry, grape, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, red peppers, etc. Champion vitamin C is buckwheat.   

Cellulite diet receptors that retain fat in the lower part of the body are six times higher than in the upper part. If you have uploaded seven kilograms - are at least six feet. Must checkout a review Joey Atlas Naked Beauty for removing cellulite.

Weakening In the picture is the opposite: arms and chest lost six kilograms and the belly - just one.

Use a fat and protein separately. Eat meat, fish or eggs with pasta, rice or potatoes, and with any vegetables.

Potatoes, pasta and cereals fit well with vegetable salads. It is necessary to drink 1.5 to 3 liters of water a day.

Maintain a balance of potassium and sodium in the body. The trouble is that we get much less potassium than necessary, and sodium - much more. So opt crisps, canned, smoked sausage, bouillon cubes, etc.

Eat more products that contain potassium. Compensate refined products with vegetables rich in cellulose, which solve the problems with the gastrointestinal tract.